Friday, March 14, 2014

My Bliss

My lifelong intention is to live my bliss: surfing Pacific Northwest waves, teaching bitty ballerinas and playing on my yoga mat. After decades of dance training, I’ve found that yoga aligns me with universal energy in ways that bring me enormous joy and vitality, and I relish the opportunity to share these gifts with you. My flow classes offer carefully guided alignment cueing to help you challenge yourself toward greater strength and flexibility without strain or struggle, and I’ll encourage you to practice lighting up a good mood while you move. My healthy back classes provide stability based core strengthening combined with targeted stretching to improve posture and ease common causes of back pain and strain. We soul surf in all my classes with short conversations about yoga philosophy’s relevance to real life and wise words from poets and other gurus walking this yellow brick road toward mindful living. As my Canadian teacher Eoin Finn says, "Wicked stoked! Let’s do some yoga.

1 comment:

  1. Jerri, I love your Life Philosophy of Health and Joy in all you are doing!!! And I love the life you are creating and living!!! Love, Mom
